The Only Approved Safe Home Remedy For Treating Eyelids, Blepharitis, Rosacea and Demodex.
Why It Works The First Time for Demodex:
Most people with demodex keep trying different products with disappointing results. Demodex itsefl is a worm infestion on your eye lids that needs to dealt with right away.
Our tea tree oil is the only approved home remedy for this. This tea tree oil is specially formulated to be able to dripped along your eye lids without damaging tissue. We have a superior product with amazing results. With zero risk, buy it today, get rid of the infestation!
Why It Works The First Time for Blepharitis:
Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids in which they become red & irritated. There are many products out there that falsely claim to help with Blepharitis. If you want a superior quality product that works long term, use our tea tree cleanser. Tea tree oil formulation is perfectly pH balanced to your tear film and has excellent antimicrobial properties. This allows you to safely use and get treat Blepharitis.
Why It Works The First Time for Rosacea:
Rosacea is a very common skin disease that affects people over the age of 30. It causes redness on your nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. Tea tree oil formulation is pH balanced to treat your red & irritated skin tear film. After only a couple of applications you will start to see a reduction in the redness soreness of the skin. Superior product, superior results.
Available in two sizes. The 50ml will provide approximately 90 one pump applications and the 180ml will provide approximately 370 one pump applications. Made in the USA.
Deeply cleans without drying. Leaves skin feeling smooth and hydrated.